

Toran (cause: Sanskrit. torana, from peak, pass), 'Toranam (Tamil), otherwise called Bandanwal, allude to a brightening entryway hanging in Hinduism, typically designed with marigolds and mango leaves, or a string that is tied on the entryway with the blossom on it as a piece of customary Hindu culture on the event of celebrations and weddings. An archway may include shadings, for example, green, yellow and red. They can be made of textures or metals which are generally made to look like mango leaves. They likewise have other enriching highlights relying upon the district.

The starting point of gateways can be followed to Puranas (Hindu fanciful work). Archways are utilized to brighten the fundamental passage of the home. The fundamental thought behind embellishing the homes is to please and pull in the goddess of riches, Lakshmi. These archways are the main thing that invites visitors.

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